Nurseries & Early Childhood
If you are looking for childcare for your 0-3-year-old, there are many different options available to you in the city of Barcelona.
These range from the public, Escoles Bressol to a wide variety of private alternatives.
There is a vast variety of nurseries and kindergartens, which often cater for people interested in specific methodologies or languages.
Depending on what you are looking for, I offer two different packages for the preschool (0 -3 age-group) stage.
As part of my Public Nurseries Package, I help you by:
Identifying public nurseries in your catchment area.
Arranging visits / open days.
Accompanying you on up to 2 open day visits *.
Assistance during the application process, including paperwork requirements.
Support with enrolment.
Any additional requirements related to the application process.
Any emails / calls related to the services above.
Price: €450 (excluding VAT)
*Additional accompanied visits available on request.
Please note that there are a limited number of spaces in the public nurseries and applying does not guarantee you a spot. If you apply and do not get a place, I will help you find a private alternative, for an extra charge.
Private nurseries and Early Childhood options
With my Private Preschool Package, I help families with children aged between 0 - 3 years old by providing:
An initial meeting where we discuss your needs and priorities.
Identifying nurseries and childcare providers based on your specific requirements.
Contacting nurseries to see if there are places available.
Arranging up to 4 visits to nurseries, and accompanying you on these visits, if desired (up to a maximum of 2 accompanied visits*).
Helping you with any administration relating to enrolment.
Any emails / calls related to the services above.
Price: €520 (excluding VAT)
*Additional accompanied visits available on request.
To arrange a free introductory call, please email me and I will be in touch.