What are you looking for help with?
I offer different packages depending on the type and level of help you need.
Private and International Schools
For those needing help identifying suitable international or private schools in and around Barcelona (more...).
Public Schools and Concertades
For those newly arrived in Barcelona and looking for a place at public school or concertada mid-year or outside of the usual application period (more...).
For those wishing to find a place at a public or semi-private school in Barcelona within the usual application period (more...).
General Schools
For those families who wish to explore all schooling options available to them in Barcelona,
both public and private. (more...).
One-off Indepth Calls
The chance to ask any questions you have about educating your child in Barcelona and focus in on your specific needs. The call can include an indepth look into schools that you have already visited or a specifically interested in.
Do you need something a little different?
Please contact me to discuss your needs and arrange a custom quote.
Click above to find useful resources for life in Barcelona.